Wednesday, June 24, 2009


So, as you can see... our beginning to the summer has been quite busy! Between trips, therapies, swim lessons, movie days, etc... we have been off and running! I can't believe that July is almost here! The year is half over, and it feels like it was just yesterday that we were celebrating New Years! 46 days and school starts! It will be nice to be back to a schedule :)

Dakoda's birthday is tomorrow - I can't believe he will be 10! Oh how the years go by!!! My boy is growing up... a couple years and he may be towering over me! He is really looking forward to going to camp in about a week and a half! This will be his first year... but I am okay, because both Daddy and Nani will be there.... Daddy is going as a counselor and Nani as the nurse!

Well, I think that is it for now! More updates to come soon!

Youth Trip!

Jason and I just got back from California last Friday night! It was a great time spending an entire week with our youth group from church! It was a beautiful camp ground in Ojai, CA! The campground was actually 10 minutes from the beach... but you never would've guessed it, because the campground itself was in an area a lot like Prescott (very wooded area). The weather was great - and the camp experience, as always, was awesome! Attached are some pictures, from our great week!

"Marked" was the name of our conference! The students learned that they are "marked" and designed for God's purpose and will in their lives!


Capture the flag! As I mentioned in a previous post, our youth pastor left to go to another church a few months ago. Since then, our Senior Pastor has hired another youth pastor! This was Drew's first week with our kids.... hopefully he likes us and sticks around :) JK! We had a great time getting to know him! Yes, that is Drew - the guy standing on the rock... he is going to be great!

More games....
Ultimate Frisbee!

and more games....
Dodge Ball!

There were many activities for the kids (and leaders) to do! This was one of Jason's students on the Zip Line! Jason tried it, but I wasn't there to get a picture :(

We went to the beach! This was Jason with one of the students - out in the ocean!

The boys thought it was fun to catch Sand Crabs.... Jason brought it over to me - I was supposed to babysit it.... It must have fried, because it actually died while I was watching it! Ooops!

The girls wanted to make Jason into a Mer"man." This is them in the process....

Almost completed result!

My two good friends Paige (in the white) and Brandi (in the black) - coming to hang out and get some sun with me, on the beach!

The town of Ventura!

God's beautiful creation! I think I could sit and enjoy it forever!

One night during the week, we all dress up! Yes, most of us "dress" up in skirts, dresses, nice jeans, etc. The guys this year all decided to dress up in a different way - can we say attention getters? They looked great and made everyone laugh! Can you believe they actually paid money for those outfits at goodwill? Left to Right: Adam Aragon, Jason, Drew Thurman (our new youth pastor), Justin Baugus (one of the seniors in our group), and Casey Tornberg! They all have the personalities to pull off these outfits, so it made for quite the laughs :)

Wednesday Movie Days!

Harkins Theaters, has been offering Summer Movie Fun days! We chose to go on Wednesdays every week! It is a great deal.... for $7.00 you get 10 movies throughout the summer.... so far the boys have seen... Space Chimps, Nim's Island, Horton Hears a Who, Spiderwick Chronicles, and Madagascar 2. Still to come are... Kung Fu Panda, Kit Kittredge, The Tale of Despereaux, Hotel for Dogs and Igor! They are having a great time seeing the movies, and they look forward to going with Nani and Mommy every Wednesday to see a new flick!

Brody's Swim Lessons

As I stated in earlier posts, Brody has been taking swim lessons this summer from a friend of ours at church! He is doing a great job and is now on his second set of lessons this summer. Each set of lessons lasts four weeks - twice a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays). Attached are some pictures....

Brody posing for a picture in front of Mrs. Paige's pool!

Ready, Set, Go!

Swim Brody, Swim!

Paige teaching Brody how to be a starfish (how to float)!

What a great "Starfish."

Brody going off the diving board... starting a such a young age.... maybe he will take after his mom and his auntie Ashley!

Todd's first weekend home!

So, we all returned home on Saturday the 30th! The next day was filled with lots of rest.... much needed :) We spent the week having dinner and spending time with Todd.... The weekend of June 6 & 7, was very busy! We had a number of parties to attend (graduation, anniversary, birthday, etc.).

Cedric Pittman, a good friend of ours (for years) - graduated from Greenway High School this year! His graduation was actually while we were in St. Louis! His party was the night of the 6th.... it was great celebrating his accomplishments with him, and seeing people that we had not seen in ages!

On Sunday the 7th, we had a combined party for the boys - Dakoda and Brody! We wanted to have one party, so that Todd could share in the celebration with us... They had a great time, with a pool party at Uncle Bryan and Auntie Amber's house!

That night, after the party, Jason and I went with Todd to look at getting his tatoo. Beacuse it was so late... the guy could not do the tatoo that evening, so Todd went back the next day and it turned out great! Todd took a picture of what he wanted and the guy designed it for him! Attached is a picture of the outcome.... It is a great tatoo in rememberance of all fallen soldiers, especially our friend Tyler Prewitt! That is what the "TP" on the helmet and the dogtags stands for!

A few last things we did in St. Louis...

Attached are a couple pictures from the first night in St. Louis.... we went to the casino! It was fun, and Todd and I did really well at Roulette!

The next set of pictures is from the Budweiser Brewery... good times :)

Bryan, Todd and Ashley at the entrance!

These are inside the gift shop - looking around before taking the tour!

The Clydesdales! This was the best part of the whole tour! What amazing animals!

Inside the Barn.... an old coach used to haul the beer!

The tack room~

Inside the actual brewery!

This is the trolley that took us back to our starting point... next stop - taste testing :)

Looking up the street at all the different buildings that make up the brewery!

Leaving.... Todd being a goof ball!

The Arch!

Attached are some pictures from our site seeing at the arch! It was a beautiful, amazing place! If you ever get the chance to go.... do it! The trip up the arch was a little nerve racking, but the views were great!

The Arch!

The view over the Mississippi!

The Capitol Building!

The following are views from a top the Arch!
Looking down on the city!

This is a view from above looking into Cardinals Stadium!

At the top!

A view of the sunset from a top the Arch!

Ground View of the Arch while driving!

This is one of the many old buildings in St. Louis! This is actually their courthouse building!